I was hosted by my friend on his web server, well turns out he isn't such a fan of myself or my writing so he kicked me without notice. Fortunately he did save everything and send it to me in a zip file. devoutcraziness.us_wpvivid-665c735d67ab7_2024-06-02-13-27_backup_all and 2024-05-28-08-00-23-devoutcraziness.sql also I have 2024-05-28-08-00-23-files.tar
from what I can tell the first 2 files are zip's and the 3rd one is, as you guessed a tar file.
My question is how can I get this imported onto my wordpress? I have tried different tutorials from youtube and those all do not work. Most require the files to be in a specific file format, or my files are too large and cannot be uploaded.
I appreciate any and all help. My web page is http://devoutcraziness.us
furthermore, if anyone can recommend to me any free server space options, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you.
You probably only need the WPVivid file. To use it, set up a fresh install of WordPress, install the WPVivid plugin, then upload the backup file into it and restore.
If you can’t upload due to size restrictions, use ftp.
as /u/bluesix said WPVivid at server and import files.
Free hosting is tricky, find some cheap host (avoid EIG host https://hostscore.net/learn/eig-hosting/)
SiteGround is first year 3$ a month, the best for beginner.
You can also test run this locally on your computer. Install Laragon, install a WordPress install and then WPVivid and then import your backup. 😉
You can’t do anything wrong