trying to import my old contents


I was hosted by my friend on his web server, well turns out he isn't such a fan of myself or my writing so he kicked me without notice. Fortunately he did save everything and send it to me in a zip file. devoutcraziness.us_wpvivid-665c735d67ab7_2024-06-02-13-27_backup_all and 2024-05-28-08-00-23-devoutcraziness.sql also I have 2024-05-28-08-00-23-files.tar

from what I can tell the first 2 files are zip's and the 3rd one is, as you guessed a tar file.

My question is how can I get this imported onto my wordpress? I have tried different tutorials from youtube and those all do not work. Most require the files to be in a specific file format, or my files are too large and cannot be uploaded.

I appreciate any and all help. My web page is

furthermore, if anyone can recommend to me any free server space options, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you.

  1. You probably only need the WPVivid file. To use it, set up a fresh install of WordPress, install the WPVivid plugin, then upload the backup file into it and restore.

    If you can’t upload due to size restrictions, use ftp.

  2. You can also test run this locally on your computer. Install Laragon, install a WordPress install and then WPVivid and then import your backup. 😉
    You can’t do anything wrong


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