I’m trying to set up ultimate member.
We are a non profit and want paying members only to be able to access certain pages.
I installed UM. But as of now, anyone can click register, instantly gets a username and password and cruise the site.
So what’s stopping non paying members from doing this??
I’m looking at Simple Membership, if maybe that’s a better way to go.
I’ve tried contacting UM but customer support is for paying members lol.
Any help is appreciated
Not sure if/how to do it natively in UM, since I no longer use it.
Approve New Users plugin (amongst others) can be added to require Admin approval before newly registered users can actually login.
UM is not intended for paying memberships – but for free ones. It’s a ‘social platform’ plugin.
You need something like Memberpress or one of the many options, depending on the features that matter to you.
– if you have a tight budget… you can use something like fluent forms to force people to sign-up via a form that requires payment. Stripe and Paypal allow for setting up monthly/yearly payments. But it can get to be a lot of work, making the Member Plugin worth the investement.