Hi I’m new to wordpress. I’d like my site to default to my “Home” page instead of the latest posts. I’m using the free version of the free Hestia theme and not sure if that is part of the problem or not.
When I got to Settings > Reading > Select the radio button for a static page > choose my homepage as a page I titled “Home” and the post page as a page I titled “about” > click save changes. It says Settings saved, but it is back to having “Your latest posts” selected. Can anyone tell me why that is happening?
I’m also unable to edit my site title and I’m not sure if that is related. I change it. Click publish. Nothing happens. If I go back to the editor again, it’s back to being my url.
In your WP config, are you connected to the right database? Did you have an old installation and are still connected to that?