I know Magic Tags exist in Pods, but this will not work in my case because you can’t use them in Dynamic Tags.
Say I have Company Address, Address 2, City, State, etc., how can I merge all of those values into a single Pod merge field so I can just choose Company Full Address for my Dynamic Tag in Elementor and it displays all of those values at once?
[Pod Fields Inside My Company Information Pod])I would like Company Full Address to be an option here in Elementor
[Elementor Map Location Input in Editor])Additionally, I plan on create a First Name and Last Name field but I would like to merge those into Full Name and use that throughout my website.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I’ve skimmed through the code and nothing sticks out to me other than Magic Tags which won’t help me. Is there a hook I can use to grab all of these values and dyamically create a new Field that merges these values? I couldn’t find anything like this.
Probably best to write a custom function that returns the value – a shortcode would do. Get your address fields, form them into a single string and return it.
`$merge_1 = $pod->field( ‘field_1’ );`
`$merge_2 = $pod->field( ‘field_2’ );`
`$merge_3 = $pod->field( ‘field_3’ );`
`$merge_all = $merge_1 . ‘,’ . $merge_2 . ‘,’ . $merge_3;`
`return $merge_all;`
or similar.