Alright thanks. Looks like ppl had this same problem 10 months ago too. On binance chain tho, but still. Hope it gets fixed or some workaround in the settings. There were some talks about chain id’s but not sure do i need to change them.
It appears that error is shown when the wallet sending the transaction has insufficient funds. I tested this both with our Ethereum Contract and Polygon (MATIC) Contract.
MetaMask showed the same error on both networks when the funds were insufficient. However, once the wallet had enough ETH or MATIC to pay for the transaction, I no longer see that error.
Can you confirm the account you’re testing with has enough ETH in it to pay for the transaction? Otherwise, you will see that error.
Oh that’s it. Didn’t have any ETH on my test wallet. My bad and big thanks for the help. Should have tested with ETH on wallet.