I created a simple website for a friend. I am in no means an expert so its probably not perfect.
Problem is i had a design (1st photo) in which the layout wasnt well optimized.
I made some adjustments and colour changes (photo 2 blue).
Now others who visit this website see the previous version. I asked my friends to check again. I changed something and published. Then he saw the new design.
A week later they again see the 1st design instead of the latest.
Does anyone know why others don't see the latest published design?
Website is dacool.be
Looks like it might be your page cache. If you’re logged in it’ll probably bypass the cache, hence it doesn’t cause you a problem. Looks like you have “LiteSpeed Cache” on your site, looking at the page I see;
<!– Page cached by LiteSpeed Cache []( on 2024-09-19 04:46:10 –>
So it’s delivering a page that was generated some time ago, and if I re-get the page, I get the same stamp, so it’s not re-generating the page. I’d start by turning the LiteSpeed cache off or disabling the plugin .. and not turning it back on until you’re happy with your cache configuration.
Clear all cache and reload