Weeks ago I setup WooCommerce but had to upload my business ss-4 documentation. While waiting on me to upload my payments and deposit were temporarily disabled. I recently uploaded the required documentation and stripe accepted this new information however my account remains in a disabled without any way for me to clear or enable. At my account page when I click "Edit Details" it redirects me to the same page that says that payments and deposits are disabled. I have corrected all issues with Stripe (https://connect.stripe.com) too. I just need to re-enable paymentshttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ag38gal2apqqm4kbuiw4m/payments_errors2.png?rlkey=vj72nmi2rm9f7lagrtxxos4c6&dl=0
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Account details
Under review
Temporarily suspended (learn more)Active discounts
Card transactions:United States (US) dollar (USD) 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction 2.61% + $0.27 per transaction (10% discount)
Discounted base fee expires on January 19, 2025.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]