Astra (Free) Theme Hero Section


Hey everyone,

I've tried searching far and wide for this and I just can't come up with the answer. I was previously running my Astra theme site with Spectra only to have a cover image span the whole width of the website. A few times a day my website formatting would break (the image would disappear, icons would turn huge, etc.). I've never had this problem since removing this Spectra section.

Is there a simple way to just take the Astra theme cover block with an image and have it stretch the entire width of the screen like the Spectra one did? It seems like it should be such an easy thing to do but I can't figure it out. I'm fine with the rest of the page container width being smaller, just want the hero image to stretch the complete width.

Thanks for any ideas or guides from anyone!

  1. Are you using Blocks to create this? Search for Fullwidth then add an image. Not sure what you’re using.


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