Until yesterday the "Five for the Future" project listed "5% of resources" as a hardcoded pledge to the WordPress organisation.
I thought it was worth noting that they changed this yesterday, since the amount Matt/Automattic want from WP Engine is 8%, the timing of this change alone I feel is remarkable.
Yea, like suddenly we forgot what the fuck the “five” in “five for the future” meant. What a dunce.
It was also probably realized that 5% meant they’d actually have to contribute more resources due to growth from when that original pledge was made.
It wasn’t yesterday. The commit is dated Sep 18, 2024 at 12:27 PM GMT+8, and thanks to the Wayback Machine, we can see that the change was deployed sometime between 03:52:56 UTC on the 18th of September and 00:02:20 UTC on the 20th of September.
– [18th](https://web.archive.org/web/20240918035256/https://wordpress.org/five-for-the-future/pledge/wp-engine/)
– [20th](https://web.archive.org/web/20240920000220/https://wordpress.org/five-for-the-future/pledge/wp-engine/)
Good on matt.Wp engine should contribute more.