Could someone mess with my blog layout/appearance or make it look nicer for me? I’m lost.

It is a lot more complicated than I thought it was, and I’m just not sure what to do with my blog appearance wise. I guess I don’t have a good sense for things and I know nothing about web page design and all the options overwhelm me….

Could anyone help me out? I’d leave it to you to make it look presentable or interesting looking. For anyone interested please send me an inbox message!

  1. This is something you would pay a web designer to do, it involves a lot of knowledge and it’s not easy. I suggest going off a theme, perhaps google for free blog wordpress themes and go from there. Try to look into tutorials for the Gutenberg block editor and wordpress itself so you can handle the basics and at least know what the different options actually do.

    If you want to go the user friendly way also learn UX and UI. All of these is available for free on YouTube but nobody will do it for you for free. After all, shit takes time, and time is money.


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