Hi there, I recebtly bought a domain and hosted it at hostagtor. Yesterday I could access the domain backend with wordpress just fine, however today I can only access the domain with mobile data, not with my WiFi. I have been searching for a solution for a couple of hours now so any help is much appreciated.
Open command line in Windows,
Type “Ipconfig /flushdns”
Exit the window; now spawn open a PRIVATE tab and open the website. Solved.
It’s your DNS cache.
I have mixed feelings with this. I have a quite large and yet slow website. It’s just the way Woocommerce puts load to the database. I have applied the paid package of CF with “APO” but to be fair, when there’s database work involved, even tho LS enterprise and all that is active, there’s still a delay of 2+ seconds.
I’ve already x-ray’d the living life out of it, it’s just the way woocommerce works and how hog of software it really is.