Hi dudes, I'm building the website for my boss. I came across this type of testimonials( picture tab) yesterday,
When I clicked different picutres, different content are shown in the sample place. I thought it was really cool and simple. But I have no clue how to do it.
When I Youtubed it, I only found the slider testimonials which I'm not into.
Is there any who could offer me some suggestions?(PS: I'm using Elementor Pro to build my site)
Look at Smart Slider 3
FWIW, the site that your screenshot is from uses [https://oxygenbuilder.com/](https://oxygenbuilder.com/) and its included tab element. [https://oxygenbuilder.com/documentation/builder-elements/tabs/](https://oxygenbuilder.com/documentation/builder-elements/tabs/)