So, I was thrilled to create a blog using WordPress free account. However, when I type up a search for, "Gunpla with Marcus" my site doesn't show up. Here's my page: According to various web sites, the html file I had downloaded to my computer, using the Google Search Console, is to be uploaded to my blog. But how?
FTP software was recommended for this to work, but every web page I have visited provides the general information on how to set it up (it's just like they all did a copy and paste from the source page) and there is no webpage that provides the specific information on how to use the FTP to sign into the WordPress site to upload the Google Verification html file so that the search engines can find my blog.
If I had the blog hosted with a server of my choice, then yes, I could easily use the FTP software to upload the html file. But, with the free WordPress site, is there a way to access it using FTP? Can't find any viable solution to resolve my site being lost in the void of search engines.
X_x …any help would be greatly appreciated.