i tried to solve the problem by myself reading other support request but i can’t find a way.
The privacy policy checkbox seems to be the problem but i cannot understand how to solve it.
Can you help me?
Here the log:
[2023-11-06 17:12:20] ERROR: Contact Form 7 > Mailchimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
PRIVACY : Value must be one of: Il sottoscritto dichiara di aver letto e di accettare l’informativa sulla privacy presente sul sito (not 1)
POST https://us16.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/114aee34fd/members
400 Bad Request
{“type”:”https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”2386c2a6-a09f-dca3-27a5-9b7dcaed8a63″,”errors”:[{“field”:”PRIVACY”,”message”:”Value must be one of: Il sottoscritto dichiara di aver letto e di accettare l\u2019informativa sulla privacy presente sul sito (not 1)”}]}
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]