Hi everyone, I want to know where you host your websites as a new freelancer. I want to host some websites which I designed to show clients. I’m new in this field & I don’t have any domain or hosting. Thank you.
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I tried heliohost which is free but WP is kinda slow. I also tried 000webhost but couldn’t get FTP working as the connection would constantly drop and their built in WP install sucks as it breaks themes. So I just have website http://www.firstnamelastname.com. You can get cheap hosting from hostkoala or ask/browse at r/webhosting
If showcasing design is the only goal and you’re willing to either copy and paste sample content, use a static site generator, or are just say showing off the landing page, you could create a static site and host on netlify/vercel/github pages, etc. This wouldn’t support WordPress or anything with backend code and a db, but it’s free.
Bro, honest advice, Just buy a domain and hosting, you will have to buy it eventually at some point! Take right steps from the start. Create an amazing portfolio website for yourself and showcase your work! Best of luck!
If you need any help, DM.
I would get a domain with hosting. Make sure you are allowed to have subdomains aswel. Get your domain running. For example example.com and get some subdomains running. Site1.example.com, site2.example.com etc. On the main domain example.com you can make a site with screenshots/links to all the example sites.
You move every site to a different subdomain.