hello reddit!
So we have a volunteer noncommercial podcast site called Madness Radio running for 15+ years on a wordpress site. Love wordpress!
We were using a plugin called Subscribe By Email developed by WPMU DEV. It's discontinued now (we found out bc the plugin started sending out spam, ouch).
So we are looking for an alternative – something that does basic things:
puts a subscribe box where people can enter their email address
sends a confirm subscription email to them so they confirm it
then is set to Send automatically so that when there are New Posts – type – Shows – published it automatically sends to all the emails signed up.
Ideally, free!
Since we've been doing this for 15 years we have a few hundred subscribers already that we need to import to the new plugin, so it needs to have that functionality ideally.
I know how to install new wprdpress plugins but have super limited back end skills beyond that.
Any help appreciated!
- Will
Discussed a few days ago: [https://new.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/comments/1ez1fqb/sending_email_subscribers_updated_posts/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/comments/1ez1fqb/sending_email_subscribers_updated_posts/)