I have a WP blog that I haven’t installed AP on yet. I commonly make posts on it with a short bit of text, then the <!--more-->
tag, to click for the full article. In one of my other blogs with AP installed, I use a Custom Post content code of < strong > [ap_title] < /strong >
[ ap_excerpt length="200" ]< a href= "https://projectdmc.org/support/topic/the-tag-2/[ap_permalink]" > [ ap_permalink ] < /a >
(spaces added to get it to paste in here okay), and that works just as I’d like it to. (Thanks! 🙂 )
My question is: If my “more” tag comes after (in the example above, say,) 100 characters, will AP limit the ap_excerpt to just the characters before the more tag? (Which is the behaviour I’d like.) If not, is there a way to do that in the custom code?
(Use case: I often have puzzle spoilers after the “more”, so I’d like to be sure those would not get pushed out, but for them to be just one click away from a fediverse post. )