Theme and images are no longer visible, how can i fix this?
I have a wordpress site, jupiter theme.
I had a problem when uploading images, saying ‘can’t add attachment to the database’
So, I read to change the rights in the ‘upload’folder to 744. (Ftp) which i did.
I made a back-up of the ‘upload folder’
I changed the rights.
I exceeded the folder in the ftp with the backupfolder. There are 5000 items in that folder .
While exceeding in the ftp, I saw that the files that were exceeded were no longer shown on the site.
So i stopped the action. But too late, now my theme is also not connected anymore. How come?
I have access to the wp-admin, so there is connection with the database;
I changed all the names of the plugins in the ftp, one by one, to see if there was a conflict, but that didn’t help.
What could possible be wrong?
Sorry for my bad english, it is not my mother language.
Thanks for your help.
Change everything back to the way it should be. Then post screenshots of the errors you’re seeing (post your screenshots to