today I disabled this plugin


Plugin Support


that sounds like some URL was having 2 status , one for visit , one is for redirection , but in some case , the normal display URL was cached first before the redirection URL , then it works for sometime , then the redirection URL was cached first before the normal display URL , so it ends up in redirection loop

function disable_cache_on_redirection($location, $status) 
do_action( 'litespeed_control_set_nocache', 'no cache due to category setting' );
return $location;

add_filter('wp_redirect', 'disable_cache_on_redirection', 10, 2);

please try this code snippet to disable the cache on redirection , see how it goes

tried just now (added in as Mu-Plugins).

set recommended , atm seems to work so good.

I continue with this or will be fixed in future release? I lost a lot of visitors cause of this 😅

ps: TYSM for quick reply. Really appreciated 👍

Plugin Support


you can keep it in your mu-plugin

it might be better you can find out when/how it will redirect , otherwise this code will work as well.

The issue only occurs when I share the dvlr link on Facebook and access it through a browser where I’m not logged in.

In the Facebook app and the in-app browser, there is a continuous loop. However, if I use Firefox, where I am logged in, there are no issues.

Now, it seems to be working fine even in the in-app browser. I will mark this as resolved, but I think it would be best to include this fix in the next release since it doesn’t seem to cause any issues when using this snippet atm; it just works.

* Plugin Name: Redirect Loop Fix
* Description: A small snippet to fix the redirect loop issue caused by the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.
* Plugin URI:

/* Prevent direct access */
defined('ABSPATH') || exit;

// Redirect fix filter
add_filter('wp_redirect', function($location, $status)
do_action('litespeed_control_set_nocache', 'no cache due to category setting');
return $location;
, 10, 2);}


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