I made several (at least two) using text_to_read shortcodes. And, I inserted each shortcodes into the required positions within a page.
By the way, if there are several shortcodes, I would like to ask you because there is a problem that occurred to me.
For example, I’ll mention A, B, and C that I inserted as a shortcode.
Click the listen button on A. Then, after a while, press pause. Then, click the listen button on another B. Then, the other B’s voice does not proceed. It’s like there’s already a voice A that’s been executed, so B can’t proceed. The reason is that the ‘Start utternance’ that is displayed when the voice starts on the Chrome console does not proceed.
However, after listening to all the voices of button A, click another button B to make B’s voice progress normally. What was confirmed on the Chrome console was that the existing voice did not start until ‘Success!’
When I compared these two, I felt that to use two or more voice shortcodes on a page, I had to hear the first voice until the end to start another voice.
For your information, it works fine on mobile. In other words, if I pause one voice button and click another, the other immediately starts, and if I click the previously paused button again, the voice will play again from where it stopped. This is what I want.
How can I make this issue on my desktop work like a mobile?
If this is normal operation, does this not happen with the pro version?
Thank you.