AVIF Support | New WordPress 6.5 Feature


So, we did some testing and came up with the following answers:

  1. No. You’re plugin does not create a WEBP version of the uploaded AVIF image. It should.
  2. The uploaded AVIF image is retained (not replaced by a WEPB image).
  3. The uploaded AVIF image is displayed on the front end by all major browsers with no issues. However, our htaccess file had be updated to ensure the MIME type “image/avif” was properly defined for the uploaded image. The htaccess rule we added is provided below.
  4. Waiting for Team SiteGround to add AVIF support to Speed Optimizer (best option for sites hosted by SG).

If SG Support would like to add more information to the above and/or help in any other way, that would be great.

Thank you!


htaccess Rule:

# BEGIN Add Mime Type for Avif Images
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
AddType image/avif avif
AddType image/avif-sequence avifs
#END Add Mime Type for Avif Images

Hello @generosus,

Thank you for your question as well as the results of your tests. Allow me to start by mentioning that both – AVIF and WEBP are highly efficient image formats which are developed to provide lossless image quality with small image sizes at the same time. As such, they should be used one or the other. Currently, there is not a direct support for AVIF in our Optimizer plugin. We are still evaluating the most appropriate implementation for such support and it will be announced in the future release notes.

On the other hand, on our servers, support for AVIF works out of the box with PHP Version 8.1 or higher and WordPress 6.5. With this combination, you should be able to use AVIF images in your site without any additional code updates in your .htaccess file.

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