First time WordPress user over here. Every time I try to make an edit, change some settings or really click anything, I get taken to login to [wordpress.ORG.]([0]=AT1a5CHJ2AFUJTuWwPCfcpBCl4RiZZ0acqiQVKaoQ0XRgT13gLuLLST5cMXw9yGMInvoUMV8Ejc_ftyvTsqyVewz_8qz8rB5KBCny_WDFiD82YbZFKgHf07cNQTu0MoMyIJ4LRTWsWJQfir002Prtlo5o2DWm1MjaahVZrKHqgVr4HVrhxNCvQQOyQ).. Which I do not have an account with so I cant proceed with anything. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I had a website built for me and imported it through a plugin, ever since then this is all that’s happening. Can anyone help?
Link to your site? Where is your site hosted? Screenshot of the login screen? Are you sure it isn’t the login screen for your website’s wp dashboard?